Edinburgh Quaker Meeting House Booking Enquiry

Find out about our room hire policy and privacy notice.

If you are representing a large organisation, please specify the unit/division, so that we can match this enquiry to our existing customer records.
If your organisation is a charity, please give the charity number.
The time at which you need to start setting up the room
The time at which your meeting or event starts
The time at which your meeting or event ends
The time at which the room will be cleared away
Please give the working title of your event(s) you would like to hold in the Meeting House.
Time of tea, coffee and biscuits will be served at this time.
Time of mid-morning tea, coffee and biscuits
Time of tea, coffee and biscuits with a catered lunch
Time of mid-afternoon tea, coffee and biscuits
If you agree and make a booking, we might use your organisation's name in our publicity to show what sorts of bodies use the building.